THYROID REVISITED:  A Disorder Often Overlooked

THYROID REVISITED: A Disorder Often Overlooked

Let’s revisit thyroid health. I will tell you at least 60% of my clients have known or unknown thyroid issues. What are the symptoms of thyroid issues: HYPOTHYROIDISM (low thyroid function) Fatigue Weight Gain Brain Fog Constipation Dry Skin Hair loss Can’t tolerate...
Skin Disorders:  Much More than Skin Issues

Skin Disorders: Much More than Skin Issues

Whether it’s eczema, acne, psoriasis, skin cancers or dermatitis it’s ALWAYS more than a skin condition. ALWAYS.      That’s why I’ve had this ongoing issue with the specialty Dermatology.  Not that there isn’t a place for specialties – but as I’ve mentioned...
NutrEval Test – Better Understand Your Deficiencies!

NutrEval Test – Better Understand Your Deficiencies!

It’s a new year and time for a new you!  Kind of cheesy, huh! Ha!:)  But it’s honestly true.  Time to take the bull by the horns and commit to yourself.  THIS year is gonna be different and you are going to get your health in order FOR GOOD! For years clients have...
Hormone Replacement Therapy – Is There a Dark Side?

Hormone Replacement Therapy – Is There a Dark Side?

Yes, I know I’ve talked about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) before, but I thought it was time to do it again as it continues to factor into SO many people’s lives.   Especially with Suzanne Somers’ recent death from breast cancer with brain metastasis.  She was a...